The International Tamaskan Forum is a global community that unites Tamaskan enthusiasts of all ages, from all nationalities. This is a privately-funded forum and we would like to make clear that we do not tolerate fighting and drama. We kindly ask for you to refrain from causing trouble and, if you have a problem with another user or a subject posted here on the forum, to privately contact an Administrator or Moderator to discuss the situation in a civilized manner or to resolve the problem directly through private messages and emails.
The main language of this Forum is English. In the future we will be adding new sections for our Foreign Language members. Whatever the language, please keep in mind that profanity and obscenities will not be tolerated!
1) Posts on the forum must be related to Tamaskans and/or similar subjects with exception of the Lounge Room, in which any topic can be freely discussed.
2) Posts containing discrimination, pornography, politics, religion and other similarly sensitive subjects will not be tolerated and might lead to a permanent ban from this forum.
3) When you want to post a question, please browse the threads first or use the Search function in order to see if your question has already been answered. This will save others from having to answer the “same question” over and over again.
4) Please try to post your new topics in the correct forum section. If you really do not know where your topic fits best, please use the general section; the moderators will move it to the correct section if necessary.
5) We would like to ask our members to respect other members' topics; please try to stay “on-topic” in your reply. When you want to discuss an unrelated subject please start a new topic of your own instead of “polluting” a topic that was created by someone else.
6) Any personal attacks, threats, or other types of harassment against other forum members are strictly prohibited. Problems between members should be solved outside the public forum by means of private messages, email, etc.
The personal information of our members is private.
Inappropriate use of a member’s personal information will lead to permanent ban from this forum.
Only one image can be displayed at a time and it is important that avatar images are an appropriate size, which does not disturb the layout of the forum. The width can be no greater than 175 pixels and the height can be no greater than 175 pixels; the file size must not be larger than 98 KB. Avatars containing discrimination, pornography, politics, religion and other similarly sensitive subjects will not be tolerated and might lead to a permanent ban from this forum. In the case of inappropriate use of images or disturbance of the forum layout, the avatar picture will be removed. You can edit your avatar HERE.
Signatures may contain text, links and images. Signatures containing discrimination, pornography, politics, religion and other similarly sensitive subjects will not be tolerated and might lead to a permanent ban from this forum. Please note that images are only allowed in the signature as long as they are an appropriate size, which does not disturb the layout of the forum. The total width can be no greater than 500 pixels and the total height can be no greater than 100 pixels. In the case of inappropriate use of images or disturbance of the forum layout, the signature picture(s) will be removed. You can edit your signature HERE.
Pictures and copyright:
Please be careful when posting pictures without permission from the owner (at least name the source of the pictures). Links to copyrighted websites are allowed but only when the original source is cited. Pay attention: the use of links in your posts are your own responsibility! Over-sized pictures that disturb the layout of the forum are not permitted. In the case of inappropriate use of images or disturbance of the forum layout, the picture(s) will be removed.
General phpBB FAQs:
More general information about the standard functions of this phpBB3-powered forum can be found by clicking here: FAQ
We would like to invite you to introduce yourself so that we can get to know you better! Please tell us more about yourself, your interest in Tamaskan Dogs, and if are you an owner, breeder, or just an enthusiast, future owner, etc. We also kindly ask that you please mention your location and birthday on your profile. You can edit your profile HERE. Thank you for your cooperation!
We hope you enjoy your visits here at the International Tamaskan Forum!!